Be a part of the incredible mission of training leaders to serve God's Kingdom by sponsoring a SATS student!
Through our Adopt-a-Student program you can receive regular updates on your student´s progress at SATS and learn more about their lives, families, and dreams for future ministry and service in Latin America and the world. In addition, you will be participating in one of the most exciting and challenging ministries in Brazil—that of training the church´s future leaders.
SATS alumni are already scattered all around the world, serving the church in Latin America, North America, Asia, and Africa. This is your opportunity to participate in this global community outreach.
It is of utmost importance to SATS how these future leaders are trained. Thus we seek excellence in all aspects of their education, from classroom training to field experience, from chaplaincy care to developing relationships with their families. All of this in an effort to provide the most comprehensive and excellent education available in Latin America today.
SATS alumni are already scattered all around the world, serving the church in Latin America, North America, Asia, and Africa. This is your opportunity to participate in this global community outreach.
It is of utmost importance to SATS how these future leaders are trained. Thus we seek excellence in all aspects of their education, from classroom training to field experience, from chaplaincy care to developing relationships with their families. All of this in an effort to provide the most comprehensive and excellent education available in Latin America today.
We are excited that you have chosen to partner with us!
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ B.Th. Program.
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ B.Th. Program.
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ DMin and Family institute Programs.
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ B.Th. Program.
To participate in this program, please fill out this information card. Your contribuition is tax-deductible if sent to one of the organizations listed on our website. Thank you for adopting a SATS student!
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ B.Th. Program.
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ B.Th. Program.
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ DMin and Family institute Programs.
For $210 per month you can sponsor a full-tuition scholarship for a student in SATS´ B.Th. Program.
To participate in this program, please fill out this information card. Your contribuition is tax-deductible if sent to one of the organizations listed on our website. Thank you for adopting a SATS student!
Our Mission
In the pursuit of Christian excellence of mind, body, soul, and community, SATS' mission is to prepare leaders for service in the Kingdom of God. SATS therefore subscribes to a holistic vision of theology as it is outlined in the Lausanne Covenant.